ZOOFOBIA | documentary by Pablo Chehebar y Nicolas Iacouzzi.
Christmas night in 2012 was special: as the temperature felt like 50 degrees and the sky filled with fireworks and firecrackers, Winner, the last polar bear, died at the Buenos Aires Zoo. The tragic death sparked mass protests, leading to the closure of an institution with 140 years of history, with the promise to relocate the animals on display and transform it into an Ecopark.
Soon after, drawing inspiration from a Star Trek episode, a lawyer who was a Batman fan succeeded in having a court declare, for the first time in human history, Sandra the orangutan—the last orangutan at the Palermo Zoo—a “Non-Human Person.” This historic ruling marked a significant moment in animal rights law.
An Argentine story full of passion, embarrassing missteps, and memorable characters unfolds in the heart of Buenos Aires, with unpredictable consequences for the entire world.
Filmed in Buenos Aires, La Plata, Chaco, Berlin, Leipzig, Nuremberg, Rostock, and Hamburg, the film captures the precise moment when the relationship between Homo sapiens and the rest of the animal kingdom will change forever.
Documentary / 2022 / Color / Argentina / 95 min / Spanish & English / 5.1 and Stereo Sound
Subtitles: Spanish, English, German, Portugues, French, Italian, Korean
In the words of the directors.
Who hasn’t had a magical moment at the Zoo? The fearsome tigers and the deafening roars of the lions, the huge and boring elephants, the incredible giraffe, the stunning condor, the rhinos and hippos. The memory of their mysterious and strange buildings, their lakes, bridges, and groves; the strangest animal-shaped cookies they bought us to feed the elephant with our hands, if we dared… In the memory of childhood, everything was wonderful, everything shone through our child’s eyes. That happened not so long ago, when the Buenos Aires Zoo was visited by 3 million people a year. We didn’t think it was strange for the animals to be in cages, even though they seemed narrow. Over the years, the world changed, and so did we.
Is a world without zoos possible, or is it a utopia? Can species survive on their own in a world increasingly invaded by humans, more urbanized and disconnected from nature? Is there a model that surpasses the zoo, allowing education without animals in captivity? These were some of the first questions we asked ourselves when we started documenting the transformation process that the Buenos Aires Zoo was going through, which had closed to become an Ecopark.
While we tried to understand what was happening, a story that would radically change the relationship between humans and animals was unfolding at the Buenos Aires Zoo: Sandra, the last orangutan at the Zoo, was declared a “non-human person” by the court in a historic event that had never happened before in human history. For the first time, a primate was granted personhood rights, and a lawyer had requested those rights be guaranteed immediately. It was the beginning of something we knew would grow, changing perceptions and knowledge forever. But it was also the beginning of this documentary: ZOOFOBIA.
Directors Bio
Pablo Chehebar and Nicolás Iacouzzi graduated as Image and Sound Designers from UBA. After developing their careers separately, they met while working as assistant directors on various projects. In 2012, they joined forces to create Metiche Films, a production company specializing in documentaries, through which they have already released: “Beavers. Patagonia Invaders” ,“El Crazy Che” y “Zoofobia“, films that have participated in festivals such as BAFICI, Doc MX, Cine Latino Toulouse, FICMA, SHH, FIDBA, Sun Cine Barcelona, Fincali, and FECILBA, among others, winning several awards. Their films are currently available on AMAZON PRIME, TUBI TV, and other platforms.
“Zoofobia” has been showcased at several national and international festivals, winning prestigious awards.

In the Film:
Walter Cornaz as “La Voz”
Malala Fontan, Federico Iglesias, Claudio Bertonatti, Miguel Rivolta, Ricardo Ferrari, Frank Obrwermmer, Lorenzo Von Fresen, Carlos Libedinsky, Gaston Bigio, Elena Liberatori, Rafael De Martino, Aldo Giudice, Maria Florencia Presa, Andres Gil Dominguez, Noelia Villarino, Juan Martin Miraldo, Gaston Diaz, Maria eugenia “Coki” Dahdah
Directors: Pablo Chehebar y Nicolas Iacouzzi
Script: Pablo Chehebar y Nicolas Iacouzzi
Cinematographer: Mauricio Heredia
Camwra: Mauricio Heredia, Sebastian Vecchione, Pablo Chehebar, Nicolas Iacouzzi,
Editing: Pablo Chehebar & Nicolas Iacouzzi
Sound Direction: Diego Colombo
Production: Maria Laura Buslemen, Franco Charnas
Drawings: Alberto Pez, Alejandro Caputto
Original Score: Tomas Leonhardt
Color y VFX: Esteban De Bonis
Critics & Reviews
- News – LA NACION
- News – PERFIL
- News – PAGINA 12
- Website – FILM FOCUS Online
- 🏅SUNCINE Film Festival (SOL DE ORO) – ESPAÑA – 2023
- 🏅ANFFF – (MEJOR FILM) – UK – 2023
- Seoul Animal Film Festival – COREA – 2023
- Toronto Latin American Film Festival – CANADA -2023
- BAFICI 23 – ARGENTINA – 2022
- Philadelphia Latino Film Festival – EEUU- 2023
- Latino & Native American Film Festival – EEUU- 2023
- Mostra Animal – BRASIL – 2023
- Festival DOCA – ARGENTINA – 2023
- Cine de las Alturas – ARGENTINA -2024